Thursday 11 November 2010

Found a beautyful dress!

Early this morning I went up all the stairs in my tower and came to the attic. There I made an exciting discovery. I found this old silk dress embroidered with beads. The moment I saw it I knew that I wanted to do something like that on my Lützen embroidery. 

Everything on this old dress is done by hand. Can you see the small stitches that join the two pieces together ? And all those beads sew on - one at a time.

I think that if I could get som beads from real crystal it would look exactly like the frost on the leaves. I once heard that long ago, in ancient time, people thought that crystal was frozen water. Frozen so hard that it never melt away again. You can click on the leaf and see a close up of the crystals.
I wonder if someone could bring me som crystal for my embroiery?


Thimble Fingers said...

I think the crystals would look great - there'll be many hours of stitching though, good luck!

The Princess said...

Thank you for the Luck!
I thought I had made an answer to your comment Thimble Fingers but it have disappeared somewhere out in cyberspace. Ive got my beads now. You can read the next post